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Day 9 Logrono – Najera 30 km (if you walked)

Elizabeth Mueller

Last night we had a wonderful meal in Logrona,  a very festival feel as the community celebrated. Sitting under the market umbrellas talking about our spiritual experiences on the Camino, I was struck by the reason we have all come together on a trip like this. This was such an unusual conversation to have, 6 friends/family/partners sharing their true understand of their own experiences, even the conversation was balanced and beautiful. Respect, understanding and true space for all. We all have our own journeys,  no one can truly understand, but as we learn to hold and create space for each other we allow for expansion and development, just like we nurture a seedling into a strong and healthy tree.

So it is with our own journeys,  such as today, several of us were experiencing challenges with continuing the way today of another 30 km. Blisters, weak ankles, sore feet are a few issues that can hold you back on a trek like today. Instead of pushing thru and possibly compromising tomorrow’s walk we hopped a bus, go to Najera by 12, found a Alberque for us all and enjoyed this beautiful ancient city which used to be the capital of the Kingdom of Navarre.

The two trekker s today, Eric and Frank, cover 30 km. between  7 am and 2 pm. stopping for a 45 min lunch. Holy Cow!

A few pictures from the last few days of our Camino



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